EMN - Enlightenment Media News - Benevolent News Presented With Love


Month: May 2018


Dr. Mercola, Fluoridated Water Destroys Your Brain and Teeth

Story at-a-glance: In the U.S., 57 percent of youth between the ages of 6 and 19 years have dental fluorosis; * When fluoridation was first started in the U.S. in 1945, it was promised that only 10 percent of people would suffer from mild dental fluorosis; *Public health officials often brush off fluorosis as purely aesthetic, but in reality fluorosis is an outward sign that fluoride is damaging the body
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Guerrilla Reporting

J.B. Gattini, Healthcare in America should be Universal like in the rest of the World. Period.

This article was born on the streets of New York City. It was published under the category "Guerrilla Reporting" as it represents the thoughts, ideas, and suggestions of regular people who sometimes know what’s best!  Let me start with a simple question: What is the most important thing in life that you must have before anything else? Let me answer this question for you – GOOD HEALTH. Having a lot of money, love, career, house, or a car would be irrelevant without it.
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