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Roseanne Lindsay, A.I.: Brave New World or World Without Spirit?

Elon Musk is the chosen spokesperson promoting a Brave New World for this and future generations.  With a net worth of USD 234 billion, Musk has a billion-and-one reason to push for Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) as he attempts to convince everyone that a human-machine hybrid world is so much better, faster, stronger and shinier. 

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Dr. Steve Taylor, When Empathy Switches Off

The psychologist John Bowlby found that early emotional deprivation can cause “affectionless psychopathy.”
Serial killers and brutal dictators show the same pattern of early-life trauma.
In some people, early-life trauma results in empathy switching off as a defense mechanism.
In other cases, people emerge from childhood trauma as decent, even unusually empathic human beings.

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Jolanta Talaikiene, The Treasures

Dr. Steve Taylor, Living Lightly With Fewer Possessions

Many people share the assumption that material wealth and possessions bring happiness.
People who live a life of voluntary simplicity with a minimum of possessions show high levels of well-being.
Possessions can be a burden—they consume energy and attention. So when people free themselves of possessions, they may feel liberated.

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Jane Evershed, Art & Ascension

What shall you draw into the world?
What future would you paint?
“Build it and they will come” is now “Render it, and it shall manifest.”
As Aquarius now bathes us in her unborn waters toward the Golden Age, allow creator-source to flow through you while you ponder an ascended and glorious Earth.

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Jolanta Talaikiene, Parallels

Paul Levy, A Surreal World Gone Viral Is Waking Us Up

Living in such an uncertain topsy-turvy world gone mad naturally creates extreme stress, anxiety and creative tension. And yet, there is an opportunity of a lifetime that now becomes available to us hidden within this very challenging internal process. Rather than distancing ourselves from what has been triggered within us—social distancing from ourselves—if we are able to bear, carry and utilize the uncomfortable, and sometimes excruciating tension in a conscious way, we can potentially ignite the creative spirit within us to be set aflame with the light of divinely-inspired inspiration.

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Dr. Steve Taylor, Transcending Human Madness

To an impartial observer – say, an alien zoologist from another planet – there must be very compelling evidence that human beings suffer from a serious mental disorder, and are perhaps even insane. The last few thousand years have been an endless catalogue of insane behavior.

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Rosanne Lindsay, ND, The Game of Life: How To Make The Right Choice

With a new consciousness on the horizon, meant to further subdivide humanity into haves and have-nots, a more egalitarian and just system is promised for those who cooperate. However, The New Order is a repeat of The Old Orders that do not deliver on their promises, but rather, create power struggles that resemble Totalitarianism on a global scale. The perceived changes happening now are not new at all.
Do you go right or go easy?

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Historic Moment: NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Launches to See First Galaxies, Distant Worlds

The James Webb Space Telescope launched at 7:20 a.m. EST Friday, Dec. 25, 2021. The Webb mission, an international partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA) and Canadian Space Agency, will explore every phase of cosmic history – from within the solar system to the most distant observable galaxies in the early universe, and everything in between. Webb will reveal new and unexpected discoveries and help humanity understand the origins of the universe and our place in it.

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The 1 Field

A Must See Documentary: The 1 Field – A Groundbreaking Extraordinary New Film, “New Standard of What Consciousness is” Lee Carroll

‘The 1 Field’, using the scientific tools of the 21st century, examines this assumption through interwoven storylines: The life stories and researches of groundbreaking figures in the study of consciousness, and scientific experiments supervised by research institutes and scientists worldwide.
Can spirit be measured?
Is there a field that connects everything?

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Paul Levy, Covid-19 is a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection – The Wetiko Mind-Virus

Like an entity with many tentacles, in addition to its physical and mental components, Covid-19 also has an interpersonal, behavioral vector of transmission. In other words, in affecting our minds (and thus, how we think and feel), Covid-19 impacts our behavior, which in turn influences how we interact with each other and the world around us. The virus deeply impacts the underlying social matrix that fashions human culture, practically leaving no stone unturned in its effects upon our world.

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Rosanne Lindsay, Decoding a Fake Reality

Reality is a program of beliefs we decode: Disease equals Health; Fake news equals Truth. Wars equal Peace. Uniformity equals Unity. State-granted rights equal human rights. Slavery equals Freedom. All is an illusion. As our world unfolds in multiple dimensions, we are focused on a time-space continuum (linear construct) with limited perception.

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Transformational Documentary: THRIVE II: What On Earth Will It Take?

Released on 11/11/11, the film, “THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?” was an unconventional documentary that lifted the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream and uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.“THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes” Released Globally on September 26, 2020

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Navi Radjou, The Genius of Frugal Innovation

Unfortunately, more-for-more business model is becoming obsolete for three reasons. First, a big portion of customers can no longer afford expensive products, due to diminishing purchasing power. Second, we are running out of natural resources, namely water and oil. And third and most important, the growing income disparity between the wealthy and everyone else has led to a big disconnect between existing products and services and customers’ essential needs.

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