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Enlightenment Studies

Lisa Renee, Personal Value System

In the face of the current challenges we are navigating in this bifurcating world, it is increasingly important now to examine our personal beliefs and value systems. Every person has to choose the kind of person they want to be in this world, whether they decide to wear the mask others provided for them or act independently to discover what they really value and how to think and feel for themselves.

Sleep State Programming

Sleep State Programming is setting prayers, healing requests, and intentions before sleeping and dedicating your sleep time to healing, meditation, or spiritual development time.

Brain Wave Sovereignty Invocations: Clear AI and Toxic Substances Command

I now declare all these harmful contracts with AI null and void. All emptiness, holes, vacancies, rips, tears, or injuries from the invocation, contract negation, and removal of artificial intelligence are now to be filled with the Divine Light of the Holy Spirit, the Word of the One True Living God. All protection and invocation are asked in the Name and authority of the One True Living God.

Sovereign Brain and Nervous System Invocation

As you amplify your inner pillar, intend to strengthen your inner core, and speak to your body, brain, and nervous system with tender loving care. Beloved body, beloved brain, beloved central nervous system, I speak to you as a sentient intelligence with love, compassion, and empathy. I accept the responsibility to be in charge of my God Sovereign Freedom and devote myself to the right alignment with God, and so nothing will compromise this.

Invocation Deflecting 5G and Harmful EMF

I do not consent to the use of artificial technology frequency fences, and black box quantum supercomputing devices in the space fence transmitting beam steering technology that is directing harmful technologies such as 5G and higher millimeter microwaves to the people of this earth.

Lisa Renee, Spiritual Consumerism

Too many people are believing that spirituality, expanding consciousness, and becoming enlightened can be achieved through the pathway of consumer spirituality and self-proclaimed experts that call themselves masters. They can buy enlightenment, have a glamourous spiritual life hanging out on the galactic planes, rather than commit to the deeper inner work of clearing the shadow, by observing the unruly ego in action and correcting abusive patterns of behavior.

Kenji Kumara, Quantum Embodiment

What the New Earth is requiring of us is courage, strength, fortitude, and commitment to follow through on the calling of our spirit and to just do it, to step out and be vulnerable and transparent. What is the embodiment process but a bridging of our light with our bodies

Dr. Joshua David Stone, It Is Not Time That Heals; It Is The Mind That Heals – So In Truth Healing Can Occur Instantly

In truth it is not time that heals, as people often say, it is the mind that heals. Let me explain. This expression is often used in relationship to some emotional trauma of some kind, be it divorce and death of a loved one, or some traumatic mental and emotional event. The best way I can explain this is by using the theory of Elisabeth Kübler Ross that people go through four stages of mental and emotional reactions in dealing with death or loss. They are denial, anger, depression, and acceptance.

Gloria Excelsias, Wesak: Once-in-a-Year Opportunity to Accelerate our Spiritual Growth

The Festival of Wesak is celebrated on the full moon of Taurus (full moon when the sun is in Taurus). At the hour of the full moon, the light volume of the sun is at its optimum and it is this energy of the sun that we seek to amplify and disseminate. In other words, at the hour of the full moon, a door is opened that gives humanity access to higher spiritual energies and forces

Lisa Renee, What do I do Now?

When you are wondering what you are supposed to be doing when your life is being dismantled during the ascension process, refer to these guidelines and stay mentally relaxed, yet focused on developing these skills within yourself.

Lisa Renee, Law of One

The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All One. The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of Christ Consciousness and is the Natural Law governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator, or God.

Gloria Excelsias, Magnetism, the Universal Law of Attraction

Magnetism is not only a force known in the physical world. Magnetism is a universal force. It operates on all planes.
This is why the images we picture in mind, concentrate on and ensoul with persistent desire magnetically attract those things to us.
Now, the same happens with our mind when we fill it with magnetic thoughts of joy, love, gratitude

From I Am University: Gloria Excelsias, Man’s Work is Ever Within Himself

Life is a mirror. The people in our life mirror ourselves. If we want the outer world to change, we have to turn within. The work is ever within ourselves. If we look at the bathroom mirror in the morning and we don’t like what we see, it will not occur to us to change the reflection by trying to change the mirror, will it? The only way to change the reflection in the mirror is to change ourselves.

Lisa Renee, Personal Value System

In the face of the current challenges we are navigating in this bifurcating world, it is increasingly important now to examine our personal beliefs and value systems. Every person has to choose the kind of person they want to be in this world, whether they decide to wear the mask others provided for them or act independently to discover what they really value and how to think and feel for themselves.

Sleep State Programming

Sleep State Programming is setting prayers, healing requests, and intentions before sleeping and dedicating your sleep time to healing, meditation, or spiritual development time.

Brain Wave Sovereignty Invocations: Clear AI and Toxic Substances Command

I now declare all these harmful contracts with AI null and void. All emptiness, holes, vacancies, rips, tears, or injuries from the invocation, contract negation, and removal of artificial intelligence are now to be filled with the Divine Light of the Holy Spirit, the Word of the One True Living God. All protection and invocation are asked in the Name and authority of the One True Living God.

Sovereign Brain and Nervous System Invocation

As you amplify your inner pillar, intend to strengthen your inner core, and speak to your body, brain, and nervous system with tender loving care. Beloved body, beloved brain, beloved central nervous system, I speak to you as a sentient intelligence with love, compassion, and empathy. I accept the responsibility to be in charge of my God Sovereign Freedom and devote myself to the right alignment with God, and so nothing will compromise this.

Invocation Deflecting 5G and Harmful EMF

I do not consent to the use of artificial technology frequency fences, and black box quantum supercomputing devices in the space fence transmitting beam steering technology that is directing harmful technologies such as 5G and higher millimeter microwaves to the people of this earth.

Lisa Renee, Spiritual Consumerism

Too many people are believing that spirituality, expanding consciousness, and becoming enlightened can be achieved through the pathway of consumer spirituality and self-proclaimed experts that call themselves masters. They can buy enlightenment, have a glamourous spiritual life hanging out on the galactic planes, rather than commit to the deeper inner work of clearing the shadow, by observing the unruly ego in action and correcting abusive patterns of behavior.

Kenji Kumara, Quantum Embodiment

What the New Earth is requiring of us is courage, strength, fortitude, and commitment to follow through on the calling of our spirit and to just do it, to step out and be vulnerable and transparent. What is the embodiment process but a bridging of our light with our bodies

Dr. Joshua David Stone, It Is Not Time That Heals; It Is The Mind That Heals – So In Truth Healing Can Occur Instantly

In truth it is not time that heals, as people often say, it is the mind that heals. Let me explain. This expression is often used in relationship to some emotional trauma of some kind, be it divorce and death of a loved one, or some traumatic mental and emotional event. The best way I can explain this is by using the theory of Elisabeth Kübler Ross that people go through four stages of mental and emotional reactions in dealing with death or loss. They are denial, anger, depression, and acceptance.

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