EMN - Enlightenment Media News - Benevolent News Presented With Love


Articles and Interviews

Alex Marcoux, Calling A New Breed Of Heroes: The Lightworkers

The chaos is here. This is part of the paradigm shift. It’s happening for a reason—to awaken humanity. It’s all part of the “game” and the planetary ascension. Push out more love, kindness, and compassion rather than fear and hate.
Be an observer, not a participant, and be grateful for the chaos, as it will bring much to the surface to be seen so that we can begin healing and awakening.

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Muro de John Lennon (Praga) Toma 2 By PeterPunk

Dr. Steve Taylor, The Transcendent Creativity of The Beatles

The Beatles’ creativity and influence explained in psychological terms.
Key points:
The Beatles’ “group flow” arose from a shared history and endless practice.
In flow, musicians can “transmit” on different levels: aggression, love, joy, and spirituality.
The Beatles’ music is still popular today because it transmits “transcendent creativity.”

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Roseanne Lindsay, A.I.: Brave New World or World Without Spirit?

Elon Musk is the chosen spokesperson promoting a Brave New World for this and future generations.  With a net worth of USD 234 billion, Musk has a billion-and-one reason to push for Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) as he attempts to convince everyone that a human-machine hybrid world is so much better, faster, stronger and shinier. 

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Jolanta Talaikiene, Dandelion

Peter Shepherd, Love and Fear: the Dichotomy of Life

With the pandemic running wild all over the world, we’ve been living through difficult times. But these changing circumstances may lead us to reassess our lives, to consider – maybe for the first time in a long time – just who we are, really, as people in this world. I hope this article will help you to clarify your inner knowing about your identity and who you want to be, going forward.

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Dr. Steve Taylor, When Empathy Switches Off

The psychologist John Bowlby found that early emotional deprivation can cause “affectionless psychopathy.”
Serial killers and brutal dictators show the same pattern of early-life trauma.
In some people, early-life trauma results in empathy switching off as a defense mechanism.
In other cases, people emerge from childhood trauma as decent, even unusually empathic human beings.

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Jolanta Talaikiene, The Treasures

Dr. Steve Taylor, Living Lightly With Fewer Possessions

Many people share the assumption that material wealth and possessions bring happiness.
People who live a life of voluntary simplicity with a minimum of possessions show high levels of well-being.
Possessions can be a burden—they consume energy and attention. So when people free themselves of possessions, they may feel liberated.

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Joanta Talaikiene, OHM's Law

Dr. Peter Russell, The Reality of Consciousness

Most attempts to understand the world of modern physics still assume that the primary reality is the physical reality of mass-energy-space-time (whatever they might actually be). Consciousness is generally regarded as a product of brain activity, i.e. something emerging from the physical reality.

In this paper, Dr. Peter Russell argues that consciousness is a fundamental quality of the cosmos and that what we call the material world emerges from it.

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David Schroeder, The Awareness of Unconditional Love

From the divine perspective, the energy of love is what the spirit is and how it operates. Love is one of the fundamental energies and laws that governs and drives the universe.
All that makes up the universe, is a unique entity, yet part of the whole. Everything is connected to the energy of the Source. Everything is rooted in unconditional love and acceptance by this Source. Because unconditional love and acceptance is in the spirit of all that exists.

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Jane Evershed, Art & Ascension

What shall you draw into the world?
What future would you paint?
“Build it and they will come” is now “Render it, and it shall manifest.”
As Aquarius now bathes us in her unborn waters toward the Golden Age, allow creator-source to flow through you while you ponder an ascended and glorious Earth.

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Jolanta Talaikiene, Three Wise Men

Shawn Nevins, Guidelines for Choosing a Spiritual Teacher

My ratings of teachers cover a tiny portion of the people you will 
encounter. What is needed are some guidelines for choosing a spiritual teacher to facilitate your own evaluations. Some people argue that you are in no position to judge someone with a superior perspective, or that in matters of the spirit, all turns out for the best. However, there are teachers and groups whose only lesson is seemingly sharpening your judgment.
Chance will be your introduction, and reason and intuition must be your guides.

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Vision of God

Dr. Peter Russell, Enlightenment – A New Way of Seeing

Being able to experience reality as it is, undistorted by our hopes and fears, is often referred to as “enlightenment.” The reference “light” in this word is usually thought of in the sense of illumination. A mind that is enlightened is said to be an “illumined” mind. It is a mind that has “seen the light,” or sees things in a new light.

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Jolanta Talaikiene, Parallels

Paul Levy, A Surreal World Gone Viral Is Waking Us Up

Living in such an uncertain topsy-turvy world gone mad naturally creates extreme stress, anxiety and creative tension. And yet, there is an opportunity of a lifetime that now becomes available to us hidden within this very challenging internal process. Rather than distancing ourselves from what has been triggered within us—social distancing from ourselves—if we are able to bear, carry and utilize the uncomfortable, and sometimes excruciating tension in a conscious way, we can potentially ignite the creative spirit within us to be set aflame with the light of divinely-inspired inspiration.

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Dr. Steve Taylor, Transcending Human Madness

To an impartial observer – say, an alien zoologist from another planet – there must be very compelling evidence that human beings suffer from a serious mental disorder, and are perhaps even insane. The last few thousand years have been an endless catalogue of insane behavior.

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Rosanne Lindsay, ND, The Game of Life: How To Make The Right Choice

With a new consciousness on the horizon, meant to further subdivide humanity into haves and have-nots, a more egalitarian and just system is promised for those who cooperate. However, The New Order is a repeat of The Old Orders that do not deliver on their promises, but rather, create power struggles that resemble Totalitarianism on a global scale. The perceived changes happening now are not new at all.
Do you go right or go easy?

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