Welcome to EMN- Enlightenment Media News and Online Museum of Art!
From Jūratė Bria Gattini, Founder and editor of the Enlightenment Media News, LLC:
Can we make the world a better place? Yes, we can. We are convinced that the only way we can make the world a better place is by changing human consciousness (shifting belief systems) and spiritually awakening humanity. We are seeking to understand the truth of life – who we are, why we are here on planet Earth and gain freedom from ignorance.
When we awaken to the ultimate truth, we can make better choices for ourselves and the world around us.
Life is a never-ending exciting spiritual adventure that doesn’t have to be taken too seriously. It is like an amusement park or a theater – you take a ride or choose a role to play. It is up to you which role or ride to choose and how to act. You experience and learn along the way. The Enlightenment Media News project was created to make that spiritual adventure (or a ride) more exciting, more uplifting and benevolent.
We want to share with you our experiences and adventures; we will also ask spiritual teachers, cutting-edge thinkers and great leaders to share their knowledge and expertise. We want to unite all of them under one “roof” – Enlightenment Media News Quantum Database where you could find information about great ideas and teachings from all over the world, and the links to other Quantum media websites for further exploration.
We want you to open our web page and find your favorite teacher or a healing technique. If he/ she is not on our website, we want you to let us know about it.
It is also possible that you are that spiritual teacher or leader that more people need to know about, or maybe you have an inspiring story to share. We are ready to hear it.
It is very important not to forget that any teacher, no matter how brilliant, is also a student, and that your own inner guidance is of most importance.
Also, we decided that the Online Museum of Art should be part of our project. We called it the “EMN Online Museum of Art.” Nothing like art expresses our feelings, emotions, and overall physical reality. Our contributing artists are simply extraordinary, and we are grateful and feel privileged to exhibit their beautiful art. We are continually looking for new talents and expanding our existing art collection.
Ultimately, we created the Enlightenment Media News project with the most important goal in mind – to become the most benevolent news ever! We promise to present all information truthfully (to the best of our ability) and with love. We are curious about how universe (to be more precise, multiverse) operates and we love everything that uplifts humanity and makes this world a better place. We love science, futuristic inventions, and good conversation. At the same time, we don’t want it to be boring! We are in the middle of the creation of something new.
We invite you to be part of it!
In love and light,
Jūratė (“J” is silent)
P.S. One of the pages – “Lietuviškai” (which means “In Lithuanian”) is my contribution with the deepest love to my native country – Lithuania.