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Quantum Health and Healing

The Human Body – Miraculous Self-Healing Machine

The time has come when conventional and alternative medicine should start working together selflessly to assist the human body to heal itself. No man-made medical system can replace the job of the trillions of cells in the human body, each designed with a specific function and purpose to regenerate, regrow, and self-heal. The man-made medical system can only help and assist in creating a perfect environment for the body to heal itself. 

The Revolution of Healing -BioScalar Energy Enhancement System (EESystem)

The Energy Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can facilitate cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels. Don’t miss the interview with Jason Shurka and the Inventor and Founder Dr. Sandra Rose Michael

Spiritual Realignment® – a Revolutionary Approach to Holistic Healing

Imagine a world where the power of the spirit takes center stage alongside traditional therapies, leading to a profound and direct healing experience.
Discover a revolutionary approach to holistic healing with Spiritual Realignment©, a transformative method that goes beyond conventional treatments to address the root causes of chronic illnesses. 

Roseanne Lindsay, Treatment Vs. Healing

As medical treatments of prescription, synthetic, and pharmaceutical drugs continue to skyrocket in use, in price, and create Opioid epidemics among its users, there is another way, often overlooked.
The untold truth about DNA is that DNA is also energetic. DNA is known as a bio-energetic internet, a receiver, transmitter, and translator of information or light energy. Medical doctors don’t talk about this aspect of DNA, as they prefer to treat the body as a machine.

Creating a Space for Meditation: Considerations for all Senses

If you are ready to enhance your body, mind, and spirit through meditation, it is important to be able to create a space where you can be alone and maximize the experience. This guide is designed to help you do just that. We’ll explore the various factors to consider when deciding on your meditation space, and how the time of day or night you decide to practice meditation may affect your decision.

George A. Boyd, How to Get High Without Drugs

The quest for instant relief of pain and suffering, and seeking immediate pleasure and ecstasy through drugs has spawned countless addictions and unnumbered ruined lives in every generation. Whether the inebriating substance was a natural intoxicant like alcohol, tobacco, opium, coca leaf, hallucinogenic mushrooms, or any one of a host of modern medicine’s psychoactive drugs, people have sought intoxication’s quick escape from the cares and responsibilities of living.

The Human Body – Miraculous Self-Healing Machine

The time has come when conventional and alternative medicine should start working together selflessly to assist the human body to heal itself. No man-made medical system can replace the job of the trillions of cells in the human body, each designed with a specific function and purpose to regenerate, regrow, and self-heal. The man-made medical system can only help and assist in creating a perfect environment for the body to heal itself. 

The Revolution of Healing -BioScalar Energy Enhancement System (EESystem)

The Energy Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can facilitate cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels. Don’t miss the interview with Jason Shurka and the Inventor and Founder Dr. Sandra Rose Michael

Spiritual Realignment® – a Revolutionary Approach to Holistic Healing

Imagine a world where the power of the spirit takes center stage alongside traditional therapies, leading to a profound and direct healing experience.
Discover a revolutionary approach to holistic healing with Spiritual Realignment©, a transformative method that goes beyond conventional treatments to address the root causes of chronic illnesses. 

Roseanne Lindsay, Treatment Vs. Healing

As medical treatments of prescription, synthetic, and pharmaceutical drugs continue to skyrocket in use, in price, and create Opioid epidemics among its users, there is another way, often overlooked.
The untold truth about DNA is that DNA is also energetic. DNA is known as a bio-energetic internet, a receiver, transmitter, and translator of information or light energy. Medical doctors don’t talk about this aspect of DNA, as they prefer to treat the body as a machine.

Creating a Space for Meditation: Considerations for all Senses

If you are ready to enhance your body, mind, and spirit through meditation, it is important to be able to create a space where you can be alone and maximize the experience. This guide is designed to help you do just that. We’ll explore the various factors to consider when deciding on your meditation space, and how the time of day or night you decide to practice meditation may affect your decision.

George A. Boyd, How to Get High Without Drugs

The quest for instant relief of pain and suffering, and seeking immediate pleasure and ecstasy through drugs has spawned countless addictions and unnumbered ruined lives in every generation. Whether the inebriating substance was a natural intoxicant like alcohol, tobacco, opium, coca leaf, hallucinogenic mushrooms, or any one of a host of modern medicine’s psychoactive drugs, people have sought intoxication’s quick escape from the cares and responsibilities of living.

"Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies"

Albert Einstein