“A Better World is a media organization that is committed to the creative fulfillment of human potential, seeking to cultivate a holistic, creative, and compassionate perspective through its media, workshops, and trainings in holistic thinking, whole-being, quantum awareness, the healing arts, environmental sustainability, healthy & happy relationships, and participatory democracy to restore Earth and society to balance sustainability, reason, and wellness”.
Ancient-Wisdom – ‘Exploring the frontiers of Prehistory‘.
The content of the ancient-wisdom pages was written and edited by Alex Whitaker.
“The current archaeological ‘renaissance’ is unearthing the past at an unprecedented rate, with whole new chapters of history being revealed each year. While most discoveries are mundane, there are some which have something new to tell us about who we are. They echo in testimony to our ingenuity, aspiration and our relationship with the universe within which we find ourselves.
Archaeology has allowed us to journey into the physical past, but it has also created a forum for a dialogue within as we begin to reveal what lies beyond the physical presence of such artefacts and structures. One of the main objectives of this website therefore, is to seek out and question the wisdom of our ancestors in relation to the world we live in today and ask the simple question:
‘...Is this really the best we can do..?’.” (from Ancient-Wisdom.com)
The objectives of ancient-wisdom:
Mission Statement:
“Here at Awaken, we delight in sharing what we feel to be the most pioneering information available on all topics related to planetary and personal well-being and spiritual growth. Our featured teachers are living treasures, whose guidance will help to transform challenges into opportunities and hurdles into possibilities. Our mission is to inspire your every step so that your walk along the path of awakening feels a little lighter”.
BBS Radio is a live and interactive premier talk radio station that broadcasts live talk radio and indie music. Discover the many choices to acquire arcane knowledge, learn hidden truths, explore controversy and conspiracy, delve into the new age, and develop your spiritual awareness.
“Your Best Self — your life set on VIBRANT, with clarity, purpose, spiritual alignment, and optimal health”.
The Best Self Magazine app delivers the most beautiful experience, designed with elegant functionality for all iOS and Android mobile devices (not computers)
Bioneers is an innovative nonprofit educational organization that highlights breakthrough solutions for restoring people and planet.
Bridging Science and Spirit (ISSSEEM) is a non-profit interdisciplinary organization that serves as an open forum for scientific and intuitive exploration of integrative healing, applied spirituality, and the subtle realms.
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) is a graduate school in San Francisco that takes an integral, interdisciplinary approach to education.
Clear Compass Media, LLC – http://www.thrivemovement.com. The mission of Clear Compass Media, LLC is to create compelling media that assists humanity in thriving through the evolutionary challenges threatening our survival.
This website and the documentary film THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take? are the main projects of Clear Compass Media. A small team of Clear Compass Media, LLC (based in Soquel, CA) is dedicated to getting the message of THRIVE out to as many people worldwide as possible.
Conscious.TV is a UK based TV channel broadcasting on the Internet and on various Satellite channels in the UK that launched in Spring 2008 and since then has made over 400 programs.
The main goals: “to stimulate debate, question, enquire, inform, enlighten, encourage and inspire people in the areas of Consciousness, Science, Non-Duality and Spirituality”.
Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) exists to evolve the scientific understanding and real-world application of consciousness and healing practices, so that individuals and societies are empowered with the knowledge and tools to ignite their healing potential and thus lead more healthy, fulfilling lives.
Consciousness Hacking is a global community focused on exploring, designing, and using technologies which facilitate individual and collective awakening.
Cosmos is a quarterly science magazine that aims to inspire curiosity in ‘The Science of Everything’ and make the world of science accessible to everyone.
Cross Cultural Journeys (CCJ) Cross Cultural Journeys provides socially and environmentally responsible travel for individuals and organizations interested in global awareness, indigenous wisdoms and societies at the crossroads.
The Data Hound – “Data Privacy news and other public information we think may be relevant to you as a consumer”
http://www.dharmastream.org – Dharma Seed is an online resource dedicated to making the Buddhist teachings of Insight Meditation available to all. The main intention is to be a support for meditation teachers, their communities, students and meditation practitioners, and to provide access to the teachings to those who might not otherwise have access to them.
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network – https://dreamvisions7radio.com/:
“Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is a Radio Station based in love thriving on Universal Guidance. As One Life Force, humanity is on a journey of spiritual enrichment. We sit in humility at the thought of being part of this sacred evolution. Our radio hosts create a safe space to share their own internal soul growth while offering unique healing modalities and tools to assist you and our Planet”.
http://evolutionarycollective.com – “The Evolutionary Collective exists to gather together those of us from around the globe who are ready to give ourselves to this new stage of human development”.
Evolving Wisdom is today’s fastest-growing global e-learning community specializing in transformative education.
http://ehe.org – The Exceptional Human Experience Network, Inc. (EHEN) is an educational, research, and information resource organization studying all types of anomalous (out of the ordinary) experiences.
Fetzer Institute’s goal is to help catalyze and support a broad-scale, spiritually grounded transformation from an ego-centered way of being grounded in separation and fear to an all-centered way of being grounded in oneness and love.
Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine – FAIM
FAIM’s mission is to create a revolution in worldwide healthcare – http://www.faim.org
Foundation for Conscious Evolution – https://centerforintegralwisdom.org/
“Our mission is to love outrageously, live outrageously, and create an extraordinary world”.
See more – https://centerforintegralwisdom.org/about/mission/
The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing pathways to a regenerative future while building bridges of hope and international solidarity.
“Global Spirit” is Link TV broadcast program that takes unique inquiry into humankind’s belief systems, wisdom traditions and states of consciousness.
The mission of Good News
“Find, Create, Receive Life-Affirming, Thought Provoking Good News, Entertainment and Events.
Positive. Up-Beat, Not Beat Up”
The Greater Good Science Center, based out of University of California, Berkeley, studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
Health Cafe Live Radio – https://healthcafelive.com/
Mission: “W4HC Radio – Health Café Live! Real Health For Real People is Talk 4 Media’s #1 ranked health & wellness, pet health, and cancer support online talk radio network partnered with iHeartRadio located in West Palm Beach, FL has a variety of topics such as talk, entertainment, comedy, music & just plain fun with listeners in all 206 countries & US States. You can visit and listen at www.w4hc.com or download the W4CY Radio app in your app store”.
HeartMath’s research, training and technologies are aimed at guiding all of humanity toward realization of its full potential and to rely on the qualities of the heart in its role as caretaker of future generations and our planet.
Humanity Healing International is a humanitarian, nonpolitical, nondenominational spiritual organization promoting Spiritual Activism as a means to foster Healing for communities around the world that have little or no Hope.
Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.
The team of Humanity Healing believes that when we help others through compassionate action, we Heal ourselves and through us, Humanity as a whole.
The Mission of Humanity Healing International is to seek out and identify specific projects worldwide and to implement definable and sustainable solutions. Our initiatives are not broad mandates to eradicate poverty, end famine, or stop violence in war-torn countries. Neither are they overnight cures. They are specific projects created to restore Hope in the lives of children and communities that have lost it.
In September of 2012 Christopher Buck, Board Chair & CEO of Humanity Healing International, Publisher & CEO and OMTimes Media was awarded the President’s Call to Service Award by President Barack Obama.
“Humanity’s Team is a global organization whose focus is on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness—or Oneness—of everything in the Universe.
Humanity’s Team provides educational programs supporting people on their conscious journey.
As a nonprofit, Humanity’s Team has no focus on growing profits or satisfying shareholders, and 100% of all revenue goes toward our work supporting conscious evolution, planetary awakening, and flourishing at every level of life.
Humanity’s Team was co-founded in 2003 by Steve Farrell and Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God. The following year, Steve became the Chairman and Worldwide Executive Director and worked with a small team to form the 501(c)(3) non-profit that Humanity’s Team is today—an organization comprised of Volunteers, Country Coordinators, and Country Contacts around the world, as well as a lightly-paid core team.
Humanity’s Team, based in Boulder, Colorado—with team members working remotely from their homes and offices all over the world—models and encourages an awakened worldview that reveals the bridge of Truth between new science and ancient and modern spiritual teachings.
Humanity’s Team is a global organization whose focus is on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness—or Oneness—of everything in the Universe. Our mission is to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by the year 2040.
Everything we do and provide as an organization—our mission, the PACE Initiative, our free programs, our Masterclasses, our revolutionary streaming platform Humanity Stream+, the Global Oneness Summit, our communications, free resources, world regions activity, social media, conscious social network, and community participation—is for a singular purpose: to support people on their conscious journey so that together we can create a sustainable Earth and flourish at every level of life.
As a nonprofit, Humanity’s Team has no focus on growing profits or satisfying shareholders, and 100% of all revenue goes toward our work supporting conscious evolution, planetary awakening, and flourishing at every level of life”.
Description adopted from humanitysteam.org
Mission: ” The I AM University is a global online education platform with the goal in mind to create awareness for humanity’s evolutionary goal to grow into a Soul-conscious species and the need to complement our current outer education with an inner education that is capable of bringing about this transformation. We educate and inspire beautiful individuals all around the world to become right with self, find inner peace, grow Soul conscious, step into their divine nature and reach their evolutionary goal. Through the products, programs and services of the I AM University, we provide the tools and instruments our awakening human family needs to take the next step in their evolution, unfold their divine potential and shine their light in the world”.
IRT – Institute for Responsible Technology – https://responsibletechnology.org/
Mission – Educate consumers about the health risks of GMOs.
http://www.noetic.org – The Institute of Noetic Sciences is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individual and collective transformation through consciousness research, transformative learning, and engaging a global community in the realization of our human potential.”
Goal: “To create a shift in consciousness worldwide—where people recognize that we are all part of an interconnected whole and are inspired to take action to help humanity and the planet thrive.”
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research -IJSER https://www.ijser.org/
“The International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research is a one-stop, open access source for a large number of high quality and peer-reviewed journals in all the fields of science, engineering, and technology. Scientists and engineers involved in research can make the most of this growing global forum to publish papers covering their original research or extended versions of already published conference/journal papers, scholarly journals, academic articles, etc.
The published papers are made highly visible to the scientific community through a wide indexing policy adopted by this online international journal. Hence, they can freely be accessed and utilized by everyone for the development of science and technology”.
Kosmos – journal for global transformation.
“Kosmos is a mission-driven, evolving group of associates working together to widen our vision of the possible in these transformative times. A new human and a new world is being born and you can track this emergence through Kosmos”.
Light of Consciousness – A Spiritual Magazine known for its interfaith approach, spiritual inspiration, wisdom and consciousness.
Light Technology Publishing – sister site of Sedona Magazine of Emergence
Masters of Health multi-media magazine “provides articles and advertising to help people live happier, healthier lives. It offers a wide range of topics to keep readers healthy, wealthy and wise in body, mind, and spirit, as well as nutrition, healthy weight loss, psychology, spirituality and more”.
Company’s goals and description:
“The best ideas can change who we are. Medium is where those ideas take shape, take off, and spark powerful conversations. We’re an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Our purpose is to spread these ideas and deepen our understanding of the world.
We’re creating a new model for digital publishing. One that supports nuance, complexity, and vital storytelling without giving in to the incentives of advertising. It’s an environment that’s open to everyone but promotes substance and authenticity. And it’s where deeper connections forged between readers and writers can lead to discovery and growth. Together with millions of collaborators, we’re building a trusted and vibrant ecosystem fueled by important ideas and the people who think about them”.
“It is the premier place to connect with the world’s leading mentors who readily offer interactive guided coaching and meditation programs based on their teachings and on world-wide bestselling books. Their wisdom guides us towards great positive changes in life, whether you are seeking to manage stress, overcome anxiety, searching for things to be thankful for, or simply wanting to know how to meditate”.
New Earth University – https://newearth.university/
Mission: “to gather, embody and share knowledge in service of human & planetary well-being
and sovereign, creative self-expression”
New Earth University Schools:
School of Natural Law: “empowering humanity to reclaim its sovereign birthright while supporting collectives to pursue their shared vocation”
School of Consciousness & Spirituality: “empowering humanity to realize its true nature while supporting the emergent culture of oneness as the cornerstone of a new interpersonal ethic”
School of Science & Design Innovation: “pioneering breakthrough technologies, life-changing state-of-the-art discoveries, and inventions infusing innovative, bio-resonant, fractal harmonic designs in all applications of energy, substance, and aesthetic”
School of Health & Wellness: “to affirm the healing art of living well by honoring our magnificent natural sovereign design as an integrated Spirit and body-mind”
School of the Living Arts: “empowering humanity to live fully in pure truth through playful, creative expression of the arts”
School of Socio-Economics & Ecology: “clearing pathways for unlimited abundance while architecting the harmonic shift to a global gift-economy that honors whole-system harvesting and regeneration of nature’s rich resources”
New Thought Media Network – “a global broadcast network of positive music, media, and entertainment, inspiring humanity’s evolution along the journey of enlightenment; creating a world of love, peace, empowerment, and prosperity for all”
“NewEarth Horizon supports communities that develop in loving harmony with the planet’s living ecosystems. Artificial materials and synthetic molecules manufactured purely for profit resonate with the energy of the collapsing paradigm of the apocalypse. NewEarth Horizon envisions a future devoid of the synthetics and poisons that have overwhelmed and altered us for generations.
By disidentifying with the artificial environment and stepping into the light of eternal truth, we merge with infinite consciousness where the solutions to our challenges spontaneously manifest for the highest good of all”.
News Deeply is an innovative network of theme-driven information and community platforms, convening engaged, knowledgeable and passionate audiences.
“Led by an award-winning team of domain-expert journalists, our topical platforms combine real-time storytelling, investigative reporting and data, and expert-driven insights with online and offline community interactions. Our readers and our partners include leaders from the private sector, government, civil society, and academia and research, as well as members of the engaged public”.
In an increasingly complicated information environment, we surface the vital insights and stakeholder connections that help to advance conversations and inform decision-making on the issues that matter, deeply, to the state of our world today”.
http://onearth.net/ – The focus here is “From Social Media to Soul Media” – moving from the outer hubub and superficial connections of the World Wide Web to those people and connections which are closest to the essence of who we are, to our soul”.
Pachamama Alliance is a global community that offers people the chance to learn, connect, engage, travel and cherish life for the purpose of creating a sustainable future that works for all.
http://parapsychology.org/ – The Parapsychology Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation which provides a worldwide forum supporting the scientific investigation of psychic phenomena. Since its incorporation in 1951, the Parapsychology Foundation has remained committed to two goals: To support scientific and academic research into psychic phenomena; and to provide professional resources and information to the academic and lay communities.
Quantum Spanner, LLC was established with the “expectation of rapid expansion in the alternative and integrative health industries”, “to provide revolutionary scalar plasma technologies”. Founded by Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D.
Established by Dr. Brad Blanton, “Radical Honesty” offers “the best way to heal the past, reduce stress, and revitalize yourself, by telling the truth”.
Mission: “We bring together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful state and local laws that fix our broken elections and stop political bribery. Our strategy is central to ending political corruption, extremism and gridlock”.
https://www.scienceandnonduality.com – Science And NonDuality is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in personal experience. We come together in an openhearted exploration to further our individual and collective evolution. New ways of being emerge. We embody our interconnectedness and celebrate our humanity.
See more at https://www.scienceandnonduality.com/about/mission/
Science of Mind: Guide for Spiritual Living
Founded in 1927 by Dr. Ernest Holmes, the magazine inspires readers to create happier, richer and more satisfying lives by using spiritual principles. The monthly publication has 40,000 subscribers around the world and a Facebook following of more than 400,000. It is available at Barnes & Noble and independent bookstores and comes in print and digital formats. It is published by the Centers for Spiritual Living, which is headquartered in Golden, Colorado.
Sedona Journal of Emergence:
“From Asleep to Awake . . . and Beyond”
“Our Purpose is to:
The mission of the Spiritual Paths Foundation is “to help people of all ages and backgrounds to create a personal spiritual path, contemplative practice and compassionate wisdom for serving themselves, their communities, the Earth and all living beings”.
“The challenge today is to cut through the spiritual noise and fight the temptation to jump from teacher to teacher in hopes of a quick fix, rather than wholeheartedly exploring any one system. At spiritualteachers.org, you will find resources worth digging into deeply”
Stillness Speaks – https://www.stillnessspeaks.com/
Stillness Speaks is a “preeminent resource for self inquiry and self exploration – the endless journey of self realization. Stillness Speaks intends to offer content from multiple traditions (paths), and teachers (luminaries), enabling our visitors to deeply explore the “many paths up the mountain:” from Christian to Sufi, from Zen to Hindu, Kabbalist to Kashmir Shaivism, Advaitic (Nondual) to Indigenous, from philosophical to atheist, from spiritual to scientific”
Superpower Network – Podcast Network for Inspired Personal Development
A non-profit organization founded by Richard Rose to provide a forum for friendship and the philosophical-spiritual search. TAT—Truth and Transmission—was founded on the conviction that our investigation of life’s mysteries is expedited by working with others who are exploring, perhaps down a different road, so that we may share our discoveries, exchange ideas, and “compare notes” in order to come to a better understanding of our self and others (see Ladder Work below). View a listing of local meetings sponsored by individual members in various locations.
TED (www.ted.com) is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). Today TED covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.
TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. “We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. On TED.com, we’re building a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world’s most inspired thinkers — and a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other, both online and at TED and TEDx events around the world, all year long”.
Founded in 1989 by futurist John L. Petersen, The Arlington Institute is a non-profit research institute that specializes in thinking about global futures and trying to influence rapid, positive change, encourages systemic, non-linear approaches to planning, and belief that effective thinking about the future is enhanced by applying newly emerging technology.
The Association for Transpersonal Psychology (ATP) is “a membership supported international coordinating organization for scientific, social, and clinical transpersonal work that serves the world community. The Association’s mission is to promote eco-spiritual transformation through transpersonal inquiry and action. Recognizing the reciprocity inherent between our actions and our world, the Association is dedicated to encouraging and enhancing practices and perspectives that will lead to a conscious, sustainable, co-evolution of culture, nature, and society”.
The Aware Show – “solution-oriented programming that provides possibilities to move humanity forward”. Host – Lisa Garr.
The Monroe Institute furthers the experience and exploration of consciousness, expanded awareness and discovery of self through technology, education, research and development.
By offering online Summits and Courses, and live events, The Shift Network empowers a growing global movement of people who are creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness that leads to a society built on principles of sustainability, peace, health, and prosperity.
The Theosophical Society’s mission is to encourage open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual self-transformation.
“Has a Vision of wholeness that inspires a fellowship united in study, meditation, and service.
Its Mission is to encourage open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual self-transformation.
Its Ethic holds that our every action, feeling, and thought affects all other beings and that each of us is capable of and responsible for contributing to the benefit of the whole”.
Trans4mind – https://trans4mind.com
Trans4mind “stands as a landmark in the world of personal development, because it is being devised, presented and maintained by the power of love. Trans4mind intends to harness the limitless power of the Internet alongside workshops in local communities, in all the main world languages, to offer personal development education and training to every man, woman and young person that is specific to their life challenges. The purpose of this training is to bring joy and happiness to each individual and to develop and strengthen community worldwide”.
Truth Consciousness – Founded in 1974 by Swami Amar Jyoti, Truth Consciousness is a non-profit spiritual organization that maintains ashrams based upon Sanatana Dharma (the eternal religion) and devoted to the unfolding of consciousness. They are universal and nondenominational, respecting all Prophets and faiths.
U.S. Right to Know is a non-profit investigative research group focused on the food industry.
“We produce groundbreaking investigations and journalism to expose how powerful food and chemical industry interests impact the food we eat and feed our children. We work to uncover timely and critically important revelations about corrupt and corrosive food industry practices that are contributing to illness and environmental harm”.
The Vision Alignment Project is the creation of Intenders of the Highest Good co-founder, Tonny Burroughs, and Create One Love Notes author, Richard Blackstone. It is similar to a Good News Channel in that you will receive a positive uplifting Vision in your email every day.
“Our mission at Wake Up Laughing is to promote awakening and laughter: Awakening to the evolutionary understanding that we are each and all cells in a new super-organism called Humanity, and laughing compassionately about the obstacles we humans have put in our own way”. Steve Bhaerman, the author and founder of “Wake up Laughing”
About Watkins Mind Body Spirit Magazine: Watkins Mind Body Spirit is a quarterly esoteric magazine published by Watkins Books in London. The magazine covers a wide range of subjects from contemporary spirituality to self development and mysticism to Eastern philosophy.
Every issue presents the most anticipated book releases, articles and interviews the world-renowned Mind Body Spirit authors. Every spring Watkins Mind Body Spirit Magazine publishes a list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People,”to celebrate spiritual activists, writers and teachers of our time”.
The mission of WE, The World is to maximize social change globally – until we have a world that works for all.
“WE, The World is a global coalition-building non-profit organization based in New York City. Founded in 1998 by Rick Ulfik, WE, The World annually connects and promotes thousands of socially conscious organizations and businesses, representing millions of people, to amplify their efforts and generate public awareness and action for peace, justice, sustainability, and transformation. Advisors and Supporters include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Bill McKibben, Immaculee Ilibagiza, Daniel Ellsberg, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Patch Adams, Hazel Henderson, Robert Thurman, and about 70 other visionary leaders from around the world.
WE, The World is a Founding Member of Abolition 2000 – a Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons. We have Co-Sponsored many conferences, Teleseminars, Forums, and Campaigns to end the threat of Nuclear Weapons. As part of our Disarmament Campaign (see the 11 Campaigns For Change) we are working closely with We, The World Advisory Board Member and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Jonathan Granoff and the Global Security Institute, as well as many other groups, raising consciousness and taking action to abolish Nuclear Weapons for a Livable Future”.
Source of information – https://we.net/
The Mission of World Laughter Tour, Inc:
“We promote a worldwide movement for health, happiness, and peace by encouraging everyone to tap into the positive benefits of laughter and humor, which are natural pathways to the mind and body, thereby directly related to mental and physical health”.
“World of Consciousness is a platform for conscious knowledge, mind science, spirituality and uplifting, inspiring and truthful information.
World of Consciousness is a Movement to raise awareness and to reform this misdirected civilization.”
3003 DH Rotterdam
The Netherlands