EMN - Enlightenment Media News - Benevolent News Presented With Love


If you had the power to change the world for the better in a practical way, what would you do?

How the “Change the World Project” was born by Jurate Gattini

This project was born in my mind in 2011 when I was preparing an inspirational speech for my public speaking club.  I came up with the title  – “Inaugural Speech of the First Elected Woman President of the United States.” Even though it was not a real speech of a president that would be heard by millions of people all over the world (only 40-50 members of my club would hear it), I took this project very seriously. It took me a few months to come up with ideas that I wanted to present.

I was exploring inaugural speeches of the presidents from different countries already delivered in the past – they had a lot in common: most leaders made a lot of declarations and promises that sounded great, but very often remained just empty slogans.

Most of those leaders represented interests of the groups that financially contributed to their election campaigns and didn’t want any changes whatsoever (that would reduce their profits). The conflict has always been evident: you can’t improve the healthcare system, for example, if it is based on profit. You can’t have a good education system when teachers are paid less than policemen and higher education is so expensive that it takes decades for the students to pay off their student loans. It goes without saying that human beings were not created to live in fear, trying to make ends meet, in fear of losing a job or a home, or getting sick from unhealthy food…   

Many times the progress has been made as human evolution has never stopped evolving. There are many countries that can boast great achievements in education and high quality of life overall. Their experiences have to be studied and applied everywhere possible, totally or partially. In fact, humanity already has a lot of answers and solutions to eradicating poverty, diseases and other problems as amazing innovations, inventions and discoveries have taken place. New technologies that would make our lives better are ready to be used (if allowed).

It is obvious to me that the only way humanity could take a leap in changing the world to the place where everybody is healthy, prosperous and happy is by enlightenment – by awakening to our true unlimited power that we already have within us, by changing redundant and harmful “programs” that are running our subconscious minds and by deliberate creation of the paradise that we are dreaming about. It is possible! The power of human mind is the strongest asset that humanity has. Let’s use it for the good of all!   

How can we do it? What can we do? How can we re-do so many things that no longer work for us? In a practical way, not only by wishing, dreaming or praying. Resistance to the changes is huge, but the progress and accelerated evolution is even more powerful, unstoppable and unavoidable. They say, “If you can’t beat your enemy, join them”. I would like to translate it in a modern way, suitable for the 21st century, “If you can’t stop the progress, stop resisting it, change, embrace and join it”.

The US Constitution begins with “We the people…..” . Yes, we the people can change the world for the better. Ask the people! I am convinced that almost every human being that lives on our planet has something to say about how to improve or change things for the better – in a small or big way – in their homes, offices, cities, in their back yards or in the international arena, in healthcare or education.  

We invite you to take part in our “Change the World Project”. It is a people’s project. The question for you is, “If you had a power to change the world for the better in a practical way, what would you do?” 

We welcome any positive practical ideas (big or small) that you would like to share with others. This project is not intended to blame or accuse. It is not a wishful thinking/ dreaming forum either. We will record and categorize the ideas presented and when our project grows to a global level, we will present it to the global audience and global leaders one way or another. Let’s change the world for the better together!

Jūratė Bria Gattini


Founder and editor of Enlightenment Media News, LLC. She is a former diplomat, futurist, teacher, leader, and alternative energy healing practitioner. She is convinced that the only way we can make the world a better place is by changing human consciousness/shifting belief systems, spiritually awakening humanity, and (eventually) reaching enlightenment, a pinnacle of human development. All articles and interviews on this website were personally selected by Jurate. She received her formal education at the universities of Vilnius (Lithuania), Moscow (Russia), London (UK), and New York (USA), majoring in English, Education, Sociology, and Political Science. Jurate was introduced to news reporting in 1999 during her Internship at UN Radio. She is a proud member of the Bryant Park Toastmasters, one of the best public speaking clubs in NYC, Read more about Jurate in Inspiring Stories

Miglė Jonel


Migle Jonel (MJ) is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and a Yoga Teacher, whose mission is to educate and guide people back to their own power and ability to heal themselves using holistic modalities like food, herbs, and yoga. She received her training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Shivakali Yoga School.

Magdalena Kulisz


Magdalena Kulisz, our contributor from New York City, is a leader, entrepreneur, social marketing expert, founder of Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs USA, Director, Co-founder of Miss Immigrant USA, Founder of Orange River Media, Founder of Women Power PS

M.B. Knight

Writer, editor, and comedienne. She is a Fordham University (New York) graduate with a dual major in English and Philosophy.

Wallace Huey


Wallace Huey, our contributor from Dublin, Ireland, is a Co-Founder of Trans4mind Ltd, Director of Trans4mind Training and Author of ‘Unfold Your Wings and Watch Life Take Off.’

Gloria Excelsias


Gloria Excelsias - our contributor from Salzburg, Austria, is the President of the I AM University, an educational platform with focus on Spiritual and psychological development, that was established by the late Dr Joshua David Stone, one of the most influential Spiritual teachers, leaders and forerunners of our time, and handed over to her care in 2005, at Dr Stone’s passing.

Patricia Cota-Robles


Patricia is an internationally known teacher and co-founder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization Era of Peace which sponsors her work and the Annual World Congress on Illumination.

Alex Marcoux


Alex Marcoux is an award-winning and international author of spiritual nonfiction and visionary fiction. She seeks to reveal Truths hidden from humanity to heal the planet.

William Belan

William Belan (Mandala Bill) - artist and contributor from Portland, Oregon (native of Cleveland, Ohio). His beautiful Energy art uplifts and inspires, heals and saturates with pure love and light.

Jane Evershed


Jane Evershed, our contributor from Minneapolis, is an artist, muralist, author, writer, and art teacher. She has taught art in South Africa, the USA, and Indonesia. She believes that art being an outstanding feature of highly evolved civilizations warrants as many people as possible to learn and teach creativity toward the higher purpose of humanity’s positive evolution.

Paul Levy


Paul Levy is our contributor from Portland, Oregon (originally from New York) is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence. Paul is a wounded healer in private practice, helping others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality.

Audrey Keenan


Audrey Keenan is our contributor from Scotland, UK. She is an artist and a poet who has been compelled to create beautiful angelic images by channeling her angels. She is also a Reiki Master and healer with more than 20 years of experience.

Peter Shepherd


Peter Shepherd is our contributor from Bourgogne, France (originally from , London, UK). He is a Founding Director of Trans4mind Ltd, Author of ‘Transforming the Mind’ and ‘Daring to be Yourself", and Developer and Supervisor of ‘The Insight Project’

Jolanta Talaikienė

Jolanta Talaikienė - our contributing Mystical artist from Lithuania (now residing in New Jersey, USA).

Rochelle Rice


Rochelle Rice, CSP, AS, MA, is a nationally recognized speaker, author and educator. As a Health at Every Size® practitioner, she motivates people to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, information and implementation, and awareness and accomplishment when it comes to their health.

Kenji Kumara


Kenji is a leading-edge visionary and navigator in the field of energy consciousness and acts as a bridge to the quantum and serves as an activator for those ready to spiritually awaken and emerge into their true nature. He works as a catalyst helping to guide people into New-Earth Consciousness and the understanding of their spiritual potential

Rosanne Lindsay


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board, an Herbalist, and a Healer with the Turtle Island Provider Network. Her mission is to guide others to heal themselves using body-mind-spirit medicine. She serves as president of the National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC) working to protect the rights of unlicensed holistic healers, as well as to protect access to natural modalities for all.

Daina Vaičiūtė


Daina is a spiritual teacher, leader and energy healing practitioner. She is authorised and initiated Spiritual Realignment© healer - very powerful modality that addresses the entire human being by establishing overall balance, as well as restoring mental order in people afflicted with physical or emotional difficulties

Lana Hanke

Lana Hanke - our contributor from Seattle, Washington. She is a teacher, futurist, warrior of light, alternative energy healing practitioner and talented photographer.

Scott Brooks


Scott Brooks is producer, screenwriter and playwright. His most recent project is the comedy web series, Reality Sets In. He lives in New York City with his son, Connor.

Dr. Peter Russell


Dr. Peter Russell, our contributor from UK, is on the faculty of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and a fellow of The World Business Academy and The Findhorn Foundation, and an Honorary Member of The Club of Budapest. As one of the more revolutionary futurists Peter Russell has been a keynote speaker at many international conferences in Europe, Japan and the USA. His multi-image shows and videos, The Global Brain and The White Hole in Time have won praise and prizes from around the world. In 1993 the environmental magazine Buzzworm voted Peter Russell “Eco-Philosopher Extraordinaire” of the year. His principal interest is the deeper, spiritual significance of the times we are passing through. His work seeks to distill the essence of the world’s spiritual traditions and present it in ways relevant to the current times.

Lisa Jones

Lisa Jones is a writer, artist, and herbalist with a love for people, nature, travel, music and spirituality. The youngest of nine, she grew up in the country in south eastern Ohio, and currently enjoys peaceful family life with her husband and pets in Greenville, SC. Lisa’s message for humanity is that of “oneness and the reunion of peace, love and joy that comes from living with the planet and not on it.” Also a Reiki Master, she employs her skills only when called upon or guided, using the elements of nature, sound and light therapy in her sessions she calls “vibrational therapy.”

Sofia Balas

Sofia Balas is a talented American artist from Colorado. Her extraordinary work is inspired "by the concepts of dimensional perception and an evolving spiritual/esoteric motif."

Dr. Steve Taylor


Dr. Steve Taylor, our contributor from the UK, is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University, and the author of several best-selling books on psychology and spirituality. For the last four years he has been included in Mind, Body, Spirit magazine’s list of the ‘100 most spiritually influential living people.’ His books include Waking From Sleep, The Fall, Out of the Darkness, Back to Sanity, and The Calm Center and The Leap: The Psychology of Spiritual Awakening.

Stacey Littledeer


Stacey Littledeer is a Native American Artist, a member of the Southeastern Cherokee Nation out of Georgia. Using pastel and watercolors, Stacey has developed a unique vision that she shares through “Spirit Paintings”. She also teaches the energy of intention and wellness and believes that a connection through art is a connection through spirit.

Erik Rittenberry


Erik Rittenberry is a writer, poet, and modern philosopher. His articles are rooted in and influenced by the principles of liberty and peace. He believes there is a mass awakening happening in the United States thanks to ordinary people sharing ideas and swaying minds to rethink the status quo.

Luz Castaneda


Luz Castaneda, our contributor from Brazil (now residing in NYC) is a painter, self-taught artist, a biologist with a Ph.D. in Genetics, mother, and spiritual medium of an Afro-Brazilian tradition. She describes her research and artwork as a “combination of the artistic soul and scientific mind with free spirit intertwining the two”.

Steve Bhaerman


Steve Bhaerman is an internationally known author, humorist, and workshop leader. For the past 23 years, he has written and performed as Swami Beyondananda, the “Cosmic Comic.” For many years, Steve has written a political blog with a spiritual perspective.

Giedra Purlytė

Giedra is a talented artist from Vilnius, Lithuania. Each of her paintings is a symphony of soft yet bold colors, complex, yet simple shapes that play harmoniously together.

Mihalia Michael


Mahalia Michael, our contributor from Canada, is the founder of the Academy of BrainBliss©. She has helped innumerable people recover from all kinds of trauma and turn on their natural brilliance. Mystical singer and conductor of the multi-dimensional white whale and dolphin light sound Allumina technology. Creator of the Allumina Conscious Dance Fitness, the first of its kind in the world dance fitness DVD tuned to 432 musical hertz. Visionary of personal and planetary health, well-being with alchemical writing, passionate sounder, speaker, and seer of heaven, here and now.

Tara Springett


Tara Springett is our contributor from the UK. She is a Buddhist therapist, teacher, and author. Tara holds an M.A. in Education and has post-graduate qualifications in gestalt therapy, body awareness therapy, and transpersonal therapy.

Navi Radjou


Navi Radjou - our contributor from Silicon Valley. He is Indian-French-American Scholar, innovation and leadership advisor, and a bestselling author. Navi’s most recent book, Frugal Innovation: How To Do More With Less, published by The Economist in 2015, shows how companies can innovate faster, better, and sustainably in today’s customer-driven global tech economy shaped by climate change.

This page has 16 comments

  1. Uri

    I would like to provide music education for all children. Music is a wonderful way to enrich children’s lives and has been proven to enhance brain development, Music also provides a great way for all people to come together. Think about a stadium when music is played and everyone is brought together.

  2. Karolis Kaminskas

    All very interesting answers. I would do nothing. There is nothing wrong with what is. On the contrary many of you will disagree. As a teacher of presence and A Course in Miracles all that we need to do is to hold that field of presence Divinity will do what it has too. Arrangements will be made, best we can do is not to interfere. I can keep on going on and on :-). Education is by all means the most important factor. Best education or teaching is by example. Spiritual evolution is supported by education and information up to the point where the intellect is no longer a primary tool as it is in ordinary learning.

    Never the less we all have lots of work to do, wish you all the best.


    I would pass a bill in legislature addressing the living conditions & poverty issues having to do with the Native American tribes.


    Solutions I believe are needed.

    *Declare a certain amount of capital for clean energy creation items- solar powered, wind powered electricity for energy efficient homes. We, as a people, owe it to the many native tribes to get them to a low cost of living for power. This would allow them to invest more in their culture & growth with the evolving times, as we non natives get to.

    *Declare a certain amount of capital for house building & roads . The housing situation needs to be totally brand new! This administration is a construction king! There is no better time than now to have floor plans created for homes that can stand the test of time for generations to come for these Native families. These people need new things to have things to be proud of, and a home is just that! It would be an offering of unity by investing in their families.

    *Have a one-time grant for the large discounted price of two vehicles per family household. I mean literally having a discussion/agreement with a few willing auto companies and getting the lowest price ever for these tribes. The ultimate goal is to show that we are not trying to bury them in debt, but give them the start of a their new legacy as a strong people. It’s time to bless them, and be FOR them. As we are expecting a wall to be built between Mexico, we should also address the walls to be torn down with respect to the lack of effective aid/communication to tribes.

    *It’s time to help them to build websites for their businesses to sell items. It’s time to teach each tribe to have designated plumbers and repairmen within their territories. This country needs to get them to a point where they feel like they belong, and that we, for once, recognized the need to make things better for them. They need to know that we are evolving as a nation UNITED! We need to help them to place of pride and sustainability. We need to hear the voices and be honest enough to change things. It time to stop blaming past meeting decisions. My name is Kevin Napier, and everyone can blame me, and then move forward for the greater good of the people.

    *Build factories and get them equipment that will allow the tribes access to their own tools to make clothing, jewelry, and goods. We need to train family tribes for trades that allow them to cater to their own needs if that be their preference. This would allow them to evolve and provide for themselves, but also to know that there are options for training. They need to know that there is a plan for them, even though many may not qualify for college. It also opens up the American culture back to the Native American culture through art. Expression through art is a universal language and a strong tool for education. I want to know that Native American items are at local jewelry shops all around the country!

    *Put a team together to figure out a path for the young adults to easily apply for college, which will begin to put a dent in this wrath of alcoholism. Build a clinic within each territory for alcohol and drug issues.

    *Allow Native Americans healthcare through our VA system. Couldn’t it be called VA/NA? Whoa Nelly!!!! Well, something has be done to address their need for healthcare, and they cannot afford to figure it out! The age limit for elders is probably 20+ years below the rest of the country. That is NOT FAIR! It’s better than creating new hospitals right off the bat. I know, “Kevin that bill would never pass through legislation.” I get it, but if POTUS demanded action, I believe action would be taken! Our government owes them a healthcare solution. After all, we have one for the vets who fight for this nation, which wasn’t even ours to start.

    I think we, as a nation, have neglected the Native Americans long enough, and just avoided the conversation due to lack of team effort and/or funds. If a team were chosen, and a timeline set for negotiations, then I believe real progress can be achieved if demanded by POTUS, and pushed by the VP. This could be an Ivanka landmark item!

    In my opinion, someone HAS accomplish these issues! This administration is the one that can get it done. The fact that trade around the world to/from USA is being re-looked at further proves that this is also the time for new businesses and Native arts buying. Let’s look at more than just the rest of the country for new businesses, and take an equal look at our Native Americans.

    I understand that the easy way is to keep doing nothing, but we are a better nation than that! We are THE BEST NATION IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! WE CAN GET IT DONE FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF ALL!

    America really started with the Native people. We can’t change the past, or decisions of our forefathers, but we can change the here & now. I believe that this administration can re-write history for the future generations and inspire unity through better collaboration.

  4. Annette

    Two measures: 1) I would give every child in the world an iPad; 2) Fire/Reduce half of every congress/ parliament in the world to make them more functional, more decisive and focused less on special interests.

  5. Seydou

    I would want consensus, not coalitions. Getting above those things that divide them to a higher understanding of what would be good for the world is ultimately a better world.

  6. Kyunghee

    I would set up first day of every month as the “Appreciation Day”. On that special day I would ask different person to express their appreciation.

  7. Jennifer

    Encourage the use of the most popular text messages, live and in-person:

    How are you?
    I love you.
    thank you

  8. Robert

    I would ask for One Week of Listening. I’d ask that every nation, state, community and individual that is at war with another listen to the other side and identify three areas in which they could find common ground.

  9. Jessica

    I would like to find a better way to match jobs with people who could successfully do them.

  10. Ctibor

    I would invest in educating very young kids with an extra language or two to open their horizons. Having a 3-year old daughter who speaks french, English and Korean, I can see how she can speak with other kids using all three languages.

  11. Penelope

    Make humans speak, read and write the same language.

  12. Claudia

    I think there are grave problems in the world like starvation, Syria, the refugees and the health care system in the USA. But the only one I can think of with a practical step in the right direction is for all democracies to take in more refugees that do not pose a risk to the countries.

  13. Jūratė Bria Gattini

    Thank you for the comment. It looks like all these ideas could be implemented if we had an effective UN organization – all problems in the world should be worked out together by all countries. However, most of them remain on paper. I do believe that sometimes great leaders could create big changes.

  14. Mohammad Mosaddek Hussain

    If we want to change the world into a peaceful society we have to change the following first logically and priority wise throughout the globe:
    1. To identify the general agenda for every country for ensuring peace in every steps of human lives as per situation
    2. Ensure employment for every citizen as per fitness
    3. Draw a country plan and objectives and inform all citizens to know transparently
    4. Ensure education and training for women, youths, adults and older persons
    5. Ensure technological development, change human mind to cope with the developmental goal of the country
    6. Ensure democracy, administrative, legislative and judicial independence for establishing rule of law
    7. Ensure transparent Government machineries and constructive political party system
    8. Draw Need based economic plan and country policy
    9. Press freedom and stern legal applications
    10. Inspire patriotism and ensure it in text books
    11. Good citizenry education at all levels n institutions
    12. Ensure human freedom and citizen policy

    Besides change in human mindset for ensuring peace in societies is highly necessary for bringing peace and positive change in human societies as a whole.

    Mohammad Mosaddek Hussain

  15. Jūratė Bria Gattini

    The United States has the largest prison population in the world. According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013 – about 1 in 110 in the U.S. resident population.

    In New York State, for example, an average cost is $60,000 per prison inmate (The NY Times estimate).
    According to a 2014 Human Rights Watch report, “tough-on-crime” laws adopted since the 1980s, have filled U.S. prisons with mostly nonviolent offenders. This policy failed to rehabilitate prisoners and many were worse on release than before incarceration.

  16. Eric

    If a democratic society wants to have less criminals in jail, the government has to make sure that jail is not a comfortable place to be – no privileges, very rare visits from family members, no packages, no TV, no recreation activities.

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