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Jane Evershed, Splat!

Jane Evershed, SPLAT!

Jane Evershed, Splat!

Creating from Soul teaches the basics of art, how to teach the basics even if you do not consider yourself an artist and how to unfreeze your creativity through art! It also questions art standards and practices in academia and the agenda in the over 2000 think tanks. 

According to NASA scientists, a study on creativity levels revealed that 98% of children are born with a genius creativity level, by the time they were ten years old only 30% of the children were left in the genius category, and by age 15 that dropped to a staggering low of 12%. Sadly, after years of schooling adults are left with a measly 2% of us left with our creative genius left intact!

What better reason could there be to stay in touch with your creativity than studying art and maintaining a high level of creativity throughout life? What better reason could you find to teach art to children and keep their creative genius alive and kicking? 

This book, SPLAT! has everything you need under one roof to pursue your creativity and enable others to as well.

Available on amazon.com – SPLAT!

Learn more about the author: 

website: www.janeevershedart.com       
Writer for NewEarthorizon   
Art Faculty member: New Earth University  
Lazarus Initiative contributing essayist
Archived Art: 
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