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Discover Chakra Drumming Fusion: Synchronize Brain Waves To Remedy Stress With A Yogic Drum Meditation

Do you ever feel swept away by the stress, demands, and cadence of modern living?

What if tuning in to your own pace, your own inner rhythm, was all you needed to regain your footing, reclaim equilibrium, and experience clarity and peace in the midst of chaos and uncertainty?

This special event with frame drummer Krista Holland, founder of the Sacred Drumming Academy, offers a profound glimpse into the possibility drumming holds to transform the overwhelming areas of our lives into pulsating presence

… the grounding and uplifting rhythms that naturally arise within us when we’re attuned to our inner selves, as well as the deeper connections, meaning, and gifts that simply being alive affords us. Register here to join us.

The Earth’s elemental energies permeate our bodies with the wisdom of time. And every element has a rhythm, Krista says, that holds the potential to balance us, reinvigorate us with aliveness, and reconnect us to the life-force energy that animates all things.

Chakras are the body’s primordial energetic reservoirs. Each elemental stroke on the drum also inspires its corresponding chakra to reverberate, sending waves of healing frequencies through you, and into every facet of your life.

Krista has devoted more than 25 years of research and practice to the frame drum and its ancient history — and infused it with ritual, myth, and ancient yogic and feminine drumming insights.

If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to join us for Krista’s event. She’ll also guide us in a drumming chakra meditation to activate the power imagination holds to dissolve stress and instill calm.

You can RSVP here: Remedy stress with elemental drumming through the chakras


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