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From I Am University: Spiritual Alchemy: How to Turn Negative Experiences into Positive Ones by Dr Joshua David Stone

It is extremely important to understand that everything in life happens for a reason and there are no accidents. Everything in God’s infinite universe is governed by laws. If something happens in life, be it positive or negative as you interpret it, it has happened to teach a Spiritual lesson. In truth, everything that happens is good. To even look at something as negative or bad is an interpretation of the mind. Everything is good in the sense of everything being a Spiritual lesson and Spiritual test. It is certainly okay to have preferences for certain things to happen and this is as it should be, and you should go after your preferences with all your heart and soul and mind and might. However, the lesson is to be happy whether you get it or not! Happiness then becomes a state of mind, not anything outside of self!

Now, it is a fact that very often in life no matter how dedicated, good, pure, Spiritual, or even Christed we are, things in life will not go according to our preferences. This can be caused by personal factors that we set in motion in this life or past lives. There are also many things that happen that do not meet our preferences that are caused by other people, for we are not alone in this world. There are 7 billion other souls in this Planetary Mystery School called Earth. Certain things happen because of personal karma and certain things happen because of group karma. There are other things that happen because of planetary karma or historical karma.

Why something happens, in truth, does not matter, for if it happened, the fact is you needed that lesson. The cause of why it happened is unimportant. One cannot cry over spilled milk! It is spilled and nothing is going to change that! Many times things will not go according to our preferences because we have made mistakes. Sometimes we make very big mistakes and there is great karma to pay. This is not a judgement and is not bad, just a statement that certain mistakes have greater implications than others. Everything is, of course, forgiven and everything is a lesson, so in truth, forgiveness is the healing balm that heals all.

Now the question is, how does one turn something negative that has happened into a positive? Certainly, the first way is gaining the “Golden Nugget of Wisdom” from what happened! Also, one can make a specific Spiritual vow to oneself and God to never let this happen again!

So let me review it.

The first thing that turns every situation of life that is not your preference into something positive is looking at it as a Spiritual lesson and Spiritual test.

The second thing that causes this Spiritual alchemical process is forgiveness and unconditional love towards self and others.

The third thing that turns any negative into a positive is the “Golden Nugget of Wisdom” learned from your mistake or the mistake of others and/or the Spiritual tests you get to practice.

The fourth thing that turns it into a positive is just recognizing that everything works for the good in God’s infinite universe and that God always makes good out of everything! We have all used the expression this was a “blessing in disguise.“ Very often, if not most often, those things that we thought turned out to be the worst turned out to be the best!

A person gets cancer and they think this is the worst thing that could happen. Cancer turns out to be the Spiritual teacher that sets the person on a Spiritual journey they would have never gone on if it weren’t for cancer.

When I write books, it is my life experience that I use very often for the chapters I write. It is the insights I have about myself and what I observe in my students, friends, and colleagues that serve to be the grist for the mill for ideas for my chapters. Whole books and book after book have been written in this manner. So what at first seems terrible turns out to be the idea for a chapter. This very chapter I now write is an example of this. Something occurred in my life that was not according to my preferences. However, I was very taken by how I turned this experience into a positive one. That insight was the inspiration for writing this chapter! That which could have been interpreted as a negative has become an inspiration chapter to help others!

My Beloved Readers, what I am trying to show you is that everything works that way if you will just see it as such. Job had everything taken away and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. He got to take the supreme test of faith and righteousness in God and passed.

A person may have a relationship end, which seems like the worst thing in the world. Twenty years later it is seen as the best thing that ever happened. A person may get a terrible health crisis, which seems like the worst thing in the world. They may not be able to work, change professions, take years off work, and God only knows what else. If the person has the “proper” attitude, which is the key to what I am talking about, they can look at it as a Spiritual test and focus on what they can do instead of what they can’t do. This situation may force them to become more Spiritual. It may force them to meditate more. It may force them to become more inner-directed. It may force them to develop in other areas that they never would have ever developed.

So Spiritual alchemy will take place in every aspect of your life if you have the philosophy that God would have you think with, which is, how can I make good out of this. So it is this set of attitudes and this last one I just spoke about that is the key to turning any negative situation into a positive one! Whatever the catastrophe, maybe you are supposed to learn about that and be the crusader on Earth to prevent this from happening to others!

Many of my books came out of watching all the negative ego corruption, contamination, glamour, illusion going on in the New Age Movement among a great many Spiritual leaders, students, and even friends I was working with! I could not believe all the “negative ego corruption” I was seeing in channelings, Spiritual teachers, Spiritual scientists, psychics, and so on. I would sit for hours and hours on end talking with the inner plane Ascended Masters about all the disintegration and fragmentation going on in religion and the New Age Movement, even among some of the most well known Spiritual leaders, channels, and teachers on this planet who I have been privy to know! I was seeing things that were blowing my mind! Instead of allowing myself to be brought down by it, I looked at it in unconditional love and with Spiritual discernment, and decided to write a series of books that would explore every aspect of the corruption going on that I was seeing as a Spiritual teacher, Spiritual channel and Spiritual psychologist. I turned something that I could have let deflate me or lessen my enthusiasm into what I now consider to be some of the best books I have ever written.

My Beloved Readers, no matter what your situation is, it can be turned into a positive if you will look at it that way and pray to God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Masters, the Angels, the Christed Extraterrestrials, and the Elohim Councils to help you. The negative ego is very conniving and manipulative. However, the negative ego is not as smart as God! If you pray to God and the Masters and use your own God-given creative mind, there is always, and I mean always, a “silver lining!“

I tell you, as God is my witness, a person who practices such a philosophy could go to jail and would look at it as a Spiritual retreat! They would say my meals are taken care of. I don’t have to work! What a great opportunity to practice forgiveness and unconditional love. They would say, I will spend my days physically exercising, reading, studying the Bible or some other book, and bilocating to the ascension seats of God! Calling in light showers and love showers from the Masters! Doing inner plane service work! Looking at everything that happens as a Spiritual test! Seeing how Christ-like they could be under the worst circumstances!

Many things happen in life we don’t understand. Many things happen because of past life karma. Many things happen because of group karma! Many things happen because of this lifetime’s programming. Many things happen because of mistakes by self or others. It all doesn’t matter! No matter how catastrophic the situation, it can be turned into a positive one!

The AIDS patient ends up totally changing their priorities. Living in the moment. Appreciating life a million times more. Becoming a speaker traveling around the world speaking for people with AIDS.

Again, there is the inspirational example of Christopher Reeve who broke his spine while riding his horse. Who has not been inspired by his example? Another excellent example is that of Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for over 25 years, and comes out of prison with total unconditional love, and becomes the president of South Africa, and gives total amnesty to everyone. He could have been destroyed in prison and/or become completely embittered, but instead, he comes out as a Christ! Christ was crucified and killed, and used it as an opportunity to practice forgiveness! “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do!“

A person loses their leg and becomes a Special Olympics athlete! If you have chronic health problems, “join the club.” So did Mother Teresa who had a failing heart. So did Saint Francis! You look at it as your Spiritual test and “cross to bear,” and you bear it every day blessing God and saying to God, “Not my will but thine; thank you for the lesson!” It is fine to pray for a miracle healing every day as well, but since you have given up your attachment attitudes for preference attitudes, you are happy whether you get it or not!

My Beloved Readers, there is no such thing as death, no one can really die for you are not your physical body, you are the Soul incarnating into it. Your body cannot be deformed. Maybe your physical body can, but the second you die you get a new one! We are eternal and immortal beings whether we like it or not. It is not up to us to decide such things because we didn’t create ourselves, God created us! So all these so-called challenges, or crosses, or negative things are temporary! Life in truth goes by in a twinkling of an eye. God deals in expanses of time such as “100 billion years of Brahma.” You don’t want to know how long that is! One lifetime is like a grain of sand in relationship to the infinite universe!

The way it works is very simple, and Earth is a Spiritual school and a place to serve. To achieve Spiritual liberation and graduation we must maintain a Spiritual/ Christ/ Buddha attitude and perspective regardless of what comes down the pike. If it is meant to be that we go early then so be it! This may not be our preference but there is no such thing as death and you will see all your family and friends soon on the inner plane anyway! So let’s be serious here. Isn’t death the worst-case scenario? Some would actually look at it as a blessing, for we are visiting here and this is not our true home. Our true home is in Heaven!

The story of Job is of course the best example, for everything is stripped away. He loses his health, money, and family, everything all at once. He had a bad attitude for a little while but God helped him to see the truth. In having everything go wrong all at once he got rid of all his attachments. Isn’t that wonderful! Did not Buddha say in the Four Noble Truths that all suffering comes from attachments and all suffering comes from wrong points of view? Does this not sum it all up right there? Your suffering, my Beloved Readers, is your attitude and your attachment, not what is going on in your life! Everything that is happening in your life and in everyone else’s life, in truth, is a “blessing!“ This is the way God sees it and this is the way it is! It is just a matter of time until you will let go of the negative ego’s interpretation of what is going on and accept God‘s, Christ’s, and the Holy Spirit’s and the Spiritual/ Christ/ Buddha consciousness interpretation of what is going on! Sai Baba says to “Welcome adversity”! If someone attacks you and criticizes you, “bless them and thank them” for giving you the Spiritual opportunity for practicing personal power, keeping your Golden Bubble up, turning the other cheek, getting to practice forgiveness and unconditional love, loving your enemies, recognizing that an “attack is a call for love,” practicing innocent perception and seeing that person as the Christ even though he or she does not see themselves that way!

My Beloved Readers, this world we live in has everything completely backwards from the way it really is. This is because the personality and negative ego interpret the reality for mass consciousness instead of the Soul, the Higher Self, The Mighty I AM Presence, the Holy Spirit, and the Spiritual/ Christ/ Buddha consciousness.

Thank God for everything that is happening in your life! Thank Him for the opportunity to learn all these wonderful lessons! Focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t do. Focus on what you have gained, not what you have lost! Is the glass of water half empty or half full? Do you look at the donut or the hole? In 1929 the stock market crashes and one person jumps out the window of a building and commits suicide and the other person says, “Easy come easy go!”

One person goes through Job Initiation and commits suicide. Job says, ‘Naked I come from my mother’s womb and naked shall I leave. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, Blessed be the Name of the Lord!“ As you can see, my Beloved Readers, I love this quote. Anyone who goes through the Job Initiation is actually more blessed than the richest man or woman in the world. For in going through the Job Initiation one has “found God!“ Do not try and make the Joe Initiation happen, for that is not the purpose of life. However, if it does happen and that is your fate even though it was not your preference, then use it for the Glory of God!

If you have an incurable illness then use it “For the Glory of God!“ Then God will come to you at death and say to you “This is a Soul I am well pleased with, for they bore this cross to my Glory!” Remember the words of Master Jesus who said, “Be ye faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.“

My Beloved Readers, you are now being Spiritually challenged by Spirit and the inner plane Masters to Spiritually, mentally, and emotionally perform Spiritual alchemy on whatever is going on in your life in the past, present, and in the future and to turn any perceived past, present or future negative situation into a positive! Use your own God-given Christed mind to do this and ask for help from Spirit and the Masters to do this. God and the Masters will not forsake you! They will turn lemons into lemonade if you let them, and if you will co-create this with them. The most profound thing of all is that this is truly how God perceives the situation! All you are doing, in truth, is getting your consciousness in harmony with your God-consciousness. There is not any situation that has ever occurred in the past, is occurring now, or will occur for anyone in the future, where this cannot be done. I am not saying life cannot be very tough at times. This, however, is the reason you have come! You are made of a substance stronger than anything life can throw at you and test you with. You are made of God! Does not the Bible say, “Ye are Gods and know it not!“ Does not the Bible say, “Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus!“ You are fully capable of passing any test, for if you weren’t, God would not have sent you! Whatever is going on within you or without you, there is a Spiritual way of interpreting the situation that will bring you inner peace, that will help you to pass the Spiritual test you are going through and will help you to find a way to use what has happened as a means for Spiritual service!

If you do take this attitude and perspective as I am suggesting, towards whatever has happened to you, God will use it like “fire in a steel factory forges steel,” to fully transform you into a “fully Realized Christ and Realized Buddha” of the strongest and most profound nature! This is the true purpose of all that has happened to you, is happening now, or will ever happen to you! Spirit and the Masters now ask you to fully accept and take on this “Full Mantle of the Christ” and to let God now forge you like steel with His Spiritual tests and lessons, so you can develop the Spiritual/ Christ/ Buddha Consciousness to such a degree of self-mastery and dedication that you will live in this world “fully God Realized” for you will have used it for this sole purpose and you will have chosen wisely!

In this Spiritually poignant moment, you are being asked by Spirit and the Masters to dedicate your life to this noble purpose and cause, no matter what the Spiritual tests and obstacles. If you do this you will achieve God Realization in this lifetime, you will achieve liberation from the wheel of rebirth, you will have Spiritually graduated, you will achieve the Crown of Life, you will have passed the Job Initiation, you will have fully achieved the Spiritual/ Christ/ Buddha Consciousness, you will have transcended your negative ego/fear-based separative consciousness, and you will, my Beloved Readers, have achieved “a peace that passeth understanding.“

So let it be written. So let it be done. Amen.

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