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Labradorite / Spectrolite

Labradorite is a calcium-enriched feldspar mineral first identified in Labrador, Canada.

Color: Grayish to black with blue, yellow

Availability – common – Italy, Greenland, Russia, Scandinavia

Labradorite, a type of feldspar mineral abundant in calcium, was initially discovered in Labrador, Canada. Renowned for its mystical properties, it serves as a powerful shield against negative energies, elevating awareness and facilitating a connection with universal forces. Additionally, it safeguards against energy depletion and dispels fears and uncertainties. As a transformative stone, Labradorite readies both body and spirit for the journey of ascension.

“Labradorite treats disorders of the eyes and brain, relieves stress, and regulates metabolism. It treats colds, gout, and rheumatism balances hormones, and relieves menstrual tension, and lowers blood pressure” (from the Crystal Bible by Judy Hall)

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