This book is designed to help you see physical conditions and diseases from a completely different perspective. It provides a clear, easy-to-see-and-understand outline of how physical dis-ease is created on an energetic level, and the simple steps to un-create it and allow the potential for it to dissolve from your reality. It is designed as a tool to facilitate self-empowerment and personal discernment. It is designed to help you tune into your own inner strength, intuition, and your innate ability to bring your body, mind, and spirit into harmony to create vibrant, radiant health…and anything else you desire to create.
Available on The Simplicity of Self-Healing
About the author:
As a young child, Lisa was aware that there was much more to life than meets the eye. She knew that she was an Old Soul. She instinctively knew that the larger part of herself, her Soul, the part that is non-physical and never dies, was existing outside of this physical reality. She spent much of this lifetime learning how to reconnect to that Soul. When she realized that she had created disease in her body, she knew that it was time for that reconnection. She knew that she could reconnect by allowing her body to die, or she could reconnect while fully embodied. She chose the latter. Knowing that her Soul was always radiantly healthy, she set about releasing the distorted belief systems that were acting as a barrier between her body and her Soul. As the connection with her Soul grew stronger, so did her physical body. With every distorted belief she released, her body became healthier and her awareness expanded. As her awareness expanded, she began to see that everything that had been keeping her locked into various paradigms of dis-ease (from physical to financial) were simply distorted belief systems that were blocking the flow of her own well-Being. Today, she specializes in helping others release themselves from the paradigms of dis-ease. You can visit her website at