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Peter Shepherd, “Making Things Happen”

I thought it would be a good idea to offer a few words on my understanding of the subject of manifestation and be specific about how to go about it.

The unified field

I believe in a multi-domain approach. We are not just one with God; nor just angelic beings; nor just a witnessing consciousness; nor just a creative mind; nor just a scheming ego; nor just a social being struggling to survive; nor just a lover, parent or friend; nor just a creature programmed by genes; nor just one with the super energies of the planet and the Universe. We are all of these things at the same time. A unified field.

Manifestation can be spiritually empowered. With the right spiritual, mental and emotion preparation, things seem to “just happen” or fall into our lap. While this may sometimes be the apparency, in practice it’s not the whole picture. The other domains of our being play at least an equal part. Although opportunities may arise that seem magical – synchronicities, because we are connected beings, the unified field again – and like-minded people will naturally identify with our desire (law of attraction) and share their resources, the primary channel of achievement of what we desire is provided by ourselves, our own actions and communications and mental resources, such as intellect, creativity, and intuition.

Good old “goal setting and getting” is as important as ever. That’s practical, “get down to it” psychology. Our knowledge base and mind development and social skills (concentration, study, communication, memory, creativity, intuition, leadership, etc) are important as ever. These are our cognitive contributions. Vital if we want to make a difference: to think and live outside of the box of our cultural norm.

In addition, to achieve anything meaningful we need to put our heart and soul into the mix too. The following manifestation process came to me last night, so I got up at 4 am to write this article. I have added this to the above Positive Approach lesson, though it’s very much in summary form at the moment…

Manifestation Process

Creation occurs when we have a clear image of a desired state and trust that we can make it happen. If we can make it happen subjectively then generally we can make it happen in the physical world too. Motivation and the energy to create comes from this desire: the structural tension between the current reality and the desired achievable reality, the vision.

With the Manifestation Process, you create the best spiritual, mental and emotional way of being, which will empower you to achieve your desires and attract the resources you need. These are the steps:

  1. Define the goal, the state desired
  2. What would it be like if you could….? Expose resistances (irrational fears and limiting beliefs) – experience them to the degree that you realize that you create these; you can then change them or just let them go.
  3. Pretend that you can… Describe the scenario in detail
    What does that feel like….? (all senses and emotions, the feeling in your body)
  4. Be thankful that you can make it so in your subjective reality, feel gratitude like you already have what you are desiring; at the same time feel without attachment, that it is for the good of all, and also that you could happily let go of the same. (Attachment leads to suffering; it also leads to not having, as the jealous husband will tell you.)
  5. Open yourself to, accept responsibility for, and feel one with being an agent (not necessarily the only agent) for the actions and wisdom and whatever else is required to manifest the state desired in our shared physical reality. Feel this inspiring and motivating energy. Be a joyful player in the game of manifestation here on Earth. Determine your next steps in the game plan, what you can do now to get things moving.
  6. Flow unconditional love from Higher Self through your body-mind to all people and all things.

Peter Shepherd is the founder and producer of the Trans4mind personal development website, producer of the Mind Development website, and author of ‘Daring to be Yourself.’ He is also a developer and supervisor of The Insight Project.
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