EMN - Enlightenment Media News - Benevolent News Presented With Love



Rhodochrosite embodies altruistic love and empathy, fostering an expanded awareness that harmonizes spiritual and earthly energies. It fosters a vibrant and optimistic mindset, particularly beneficial for matters of the heart and interpersonal connections, aiding in the healing process from past traumas such as sexual abuse. Addressing issues stored in the solar plexus and base chakras, gently prompts the emergence and release of suppressed emotions, facilitating emotional healing. Rhodochrosite compels introspection and honesty with oneself and others, infused with compassionate understanding. It promotes a constructive outlook and enriches imaginative endeavors and dreams exploration, facilitating cognitive integration and adaptation to new knowledge. Additionally, it offers relief from respiratory ailments like asthma, supports circulatory and renal health, improves vision, regulates blood pressure, and stabilizes cardiac rhythm.


Photo by adobe.com

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