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Enlightenment Studies

Enlightenment Studies

Body-related Requirements to Reach Our Evolutionary Goal by Gloria Excelsias

Our evolutionary goal is to become Soul-aware in the here and now, in our bodies. In order to reach this goal, it is not just enough to evolve and expand our consciousness, we also need to evolve our bodies, the medium through which our consciousness expresses itself. What exactly do we require? We require: 1) a strong, healthy physical body bursting with energy and vitality, 2) a purified and refined emotional nature full of love and joy, 3) a highly developed mind full of light
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Enlightenment Studies

From I Am University: Gloria Excelsias, Why and How to Develop Higher Bodies and Higher Senses

Our current evolutionary goal is to step out of our humanity and into our Divinity. Now, in order to reach this lofty goal, part of what we have to do is build higher bodies and develop higher senses. The idea of building higher bodies and developing higher finer senses may sound like wild fantasy on first hearing, however, evolution being a fact in nature, does it not make sense that as we expand our consciousness and reach up into higher frequencies, as per the law of magnetic attraction and resonance, higher matter becomes accessible to us and out of that higher finer matter we then build higher finer bodies serving as suitable mediums of contact on these higher, finer planes?
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Enlightenment Studies

From I Am University: Gloria Excelsias, Life is Like an Echo

Life is like an echo. The call we send out returns to us. We carelessly say, „I am sick, I am broke, I am lonely“ without realizing that our alleged powerless words are anything but weak and powerless. The moment we send out a call, the moment we say „I am sick, I am weak, I am broke,“ we are setting into motion a current of magnetic force that goes out into the world to magnetically attract and return to us thoughts, people and conditions in harmony with the dominant note of our word and thought.
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