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Angelic Realm

Angelic Realm –  The energetic level where angels are said to live. The Angelic Realm, often referred to as “The Nine Choirs”.  Throughout time these choirs of angels have performed specific duties and carried energies unique only to them.

The first level is the highest of the astral is collectively concerned with the universe and the manifestations and inner workings of divinity within it.  These angels manifest energy simply through pure thought, and possess the deepest knowledge.  The Angels of the First Level are the Seraphim, the Cherubim and the Thrones.

The First Sphere — angels who serve as heavenly counselors

– SERAPHIM (1 being the highest order)



The Second Sphere — angels who work as heavenly governors




The Third Sphere — angels who function as heavenly messengers




The Nine Orders Explained


The Seraphim are the highest order of the hierarchy (beings of pure light) are the closest to divinity and are considered the angels of pure light, love and fire.  They are the celestial beings said to surround the throne of God.  They sing the music of spheres and regulating the movement of the Heavens as it emanates from God.  They keep negative energy from getting through to divinity and concentrate on keeping divinity intact and its continued existence by creating and carrying positive energy through all the levels of angels as well as into the physical realms.

You can access the Seraphim through prayer and asking, however, these beings shine so brilliantly with light that you will never see them.  Only God/Goddess and some of the other angels are capable of complete interaction with these beings.  Work with and request help from the Seraphim for issues relating to humanitarian and/or planetary causes.  They also listen to group prayer and ritual.


The Cherubing’s funtion is to guard the light, the stars as well as channel positive energy from the divine.  Remote from our plane of reality, still their light touches our lives, the divine light that they filter down from Heaven.

Lucifer (Satan/Devil) is known as the ‘angel of light, whom God’s light shown through’ – before his ‘sin against God’.

Their name means, “Those who intercede”.  These angels are of boundless love and knowledge and can function as personal guards.  They watch over all the galaxies and collect and disperse energy where ever it is needed.  When you are seeking divine protection, knowledge and wisdom, call upon the Cherubim.  They also guard any religious temple, no matter how big, how small, how rich, or how poor.


The first order in the third sphere is the thrones.  They are the companion angels of the planets.  The Thrones are known as the “many-eyed ones”, acting as investigators for the divine, as they create, send and collect incoming and outgoing positive energies. Their also instructors of humility.  Justice is important to them; they will shine their light on injustices and send healing energy to any victim.  Thrones are very interested in humans, their intentions and their general existence.  They will generally channel energy to you through your guardian angel rather than directly with you.

Call on the Thrones where problems in relationships need to be smoothed out, be it groups of people or just 2 people, as well as planetary issues.

The Angels of the Second Level or Sphere concern themselves with the cosmos and those angels assigned tasks below them.  They also carry out the orders from the angels of the first level.  The Angels in the Second Level are Dominions, Powers and Virtues.


The dominions are the heavenly beings who govern the activities of all the angelic groups lower than they are.  They are the Divine bureaucrats, they also serve to combine the spiritual and the material worlds, without losing control.  Although they take their orders from God, and rarely contact individuals, their work is connected to our reality.

They are the order of the law of cause and effect.  They bestow “natural leadership” and make sure that humans are happy and healthy under the given leadership.  They do not approve of corruption and unjust churches, civic leaders, politicians and governments whom do not have the highest concern and best interests of the people at heart. They will make adjustments where need be. Call on them for mediating and arbitrating and  for divine wisdom.


The Virtues are of particular importance to us now because they are able to beam out massive levels of divine energy.  The Virtues main focus is to send massive quantities of spiritual energy to the collective human consciousness and the earth plane.  These Angels are known as “The Miracle Angels”.   The Virtues love go-getters and those that strive to go beyond and accomplish what others call impossible.  They love positive people who try to help, enlighten and lead others toward harmony.  They also work and guide the elemental energies: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit and weather patterns.  They are the angels of nature.  When you are sick or scared, call on the Virtues.  When you are working with a healing, call on the Virtues.


The first order of the second sphere are those beings who have been known as powers.  They are the bearers of the conscience of all of humanity, the keepers of our collective history.  The angels of birth and death are in this category.  They are able to draw down and hold the energy of the divine plan the same way trees draw down the energy of the Sun.  In this way, the powers can send all of us a vision of a world spiritual network.  These are the Angels that keep track of human history.  They are organizers of world religions and send divine energy to keep the positive aspects of the religion going.  They dispense justice and regulate chaos.  They will send messages when someone or something is out to harm you.  They are seen as divine warriors.  They are excellent at divulging hidden ego based agendas that can harm others.

Call on the Powers when you are in trouble.  They will help you to see through situations and problems.  They will defend your home, your family, your property, or any group of people who call on them to help protect and defend them.  They will send messages through many means.  Through the power of our sixth sense, gut feelings, dreams, etc.

The Third Level is the most involved with humans and human affairs and are considered the Angels of Earth.  They interact with us and our lives.  They are called the Principalities, Archangels and the Angels.


Beyond the group of archangels are the principalities.  They are the guardian angels of all large groups, from cities and nations to recent human creations such as multi-national corporations.


Beyond the angels are the beings we are used to calling the archangels, they tend the larger arenas of human endeavor.  These beings are from a different family from the angels.  There are many different kinds of archangels in this larger family.  The four we are most familiar with are Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel.  The Archangels can actually belong to several levels, but they enjoy dealing with humans when and  where they can. They are considered the “Special Forces” of the angelic realms. They channel positive energy to the physical from the divine and from the divine to the physical.  They have different attributes for which I will later spell out in the section “Archangels”.


The angels that we are most familiar with are those in the last order.  They are the closest to humanity, the ones most concerned with human affairs.  Within the category of angels, there are many different different functions.  The ones we know best are the guardian angels.  Because of shifts in their functions and our consciousness, it is useful to think of these celestial beings as companion angels.  These are the angels assigned to us, such as our Guardian Angels.  They are concerned with issues involving human and physical manifestation.  They like the other angels, channel from divinity to us anough the transformation of death and birth, help us to carry out our divine plans, defend us and help protect us when we are in trouble,  and call in the forces of all of the other angels when we need them.  They will not interfere with many things unless asked by us.  When asking for help from the angels, be sure and be precise in asking for what you want, and be sure to keep your intentions pure.  Your Guardian Angel can come from any of the levels and has an open line of communication with all of the angels in all levels.  d from us to the divine.  They are our closest companions and are assigned to us through all incarnations on earth.