EMN - Enlightenment Media News - Benevolent News Presented With Love


Month: March 2018

Sveikata, meilė, grožis

Kaip moteriškais būdais į savo gyvenimą pritraukti daugiau pinigų?

Šokolado Sielai Straipsnis "Kaip moteriškais būdais į savo gyvenimą pritraukti daugiau pinigų?" (Tai lengviau nei gali įsivaizduoti!)  Šįkart kalbėsime apie pinigus! Atvirai ir be užuolankų…

Mieloji, ar norėtum turėti daugiau pinigų? Galbūt jau pavargai tiek daug dirbti? Galbūt nori, kad finansinė situacija būtų kitokia, tačiau nežinai, nuo ko pradėti?  Jeigu taip, tu esi tinkamoje vietoje!
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Enlightenment Studies

From I am University: Gloria Excelsias, Embrace the Power of Change

Buddha once said that the only constant in life is change. Why? Change is the only constant in life because our current evolutionary goal is to transform our humanity into Divinity. This transformation process is an ongoing process. It continually goes on. And this is why it is a constant in life. Or said another way: There can be no progress in life without change and renewal. Yet progress we must. Why? Because we have not reached the end goal of our evolution. The word progress comes from „pro“ meaning „forward“ and „gradus“ meaning „step.“
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Energized Art of Burt Goldman

Burt Goldman (09/28/1927-05/20/2020), a native New Yorker, fondly called by his fans The American Monk, was a writer, a world-renowned meditation master, spiritual coach, and mind power expert. He was one of the most fascinating people 0n the planet. http://www.zapseminar.com/
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