EMN - Enlightenment Media News - Benevolent News Presented With Love


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Jolanta Talaikiene, To Die and Rise
Today in the spotlight

Paul Levy, Solving the Puzzle of Ourselves

We are a species gone mad. The essence of the madness that afflicts our species is that we don’t know who we are. Many of us have become identified with our mask, our persona, the role we are playing in the world. Intrinsic to this process is that we split off, dissociate from and compartmentalize the darker, less savory aspects of ourselves, rendering them unconscious.
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Jolanta Talaikiene, Parallels
Articles and Interviews

Paul Levy, A Surreal World Gone Viral Is Waking Us Up

Living in such an uncertain topsy-turvy world gone mad naturally creates extreme stress, anxiety and creative tension. And yet, there is an opportunity of a lifetime that now becomes available to us hidden within this very challenging internal process. Rather than distancing ourselves from what has been triggered within us—social distancing from ourselves—if we are able to bear, carry and utilize the uncomfortable, and sometimes excruciating tension in a conscious way, we can potentially ignite the creative spirit within us to be set aflame with the light of divinely-inspired inspiration.
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Articles and Interviews

Paul Levy, Covid-19 is a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection – The Wetiko Mind-Virus

Like an entity with many tentacles, in addition to its physical and mental components, Covid-19 also has an interpersonal, behavioral vector of transmission. In other words, in affecting our minds (and thus, how we think and feel), Covid-19 impacts our behavior, which in turn influences how we interact with each other and the world around us. The virus deeply impacts the underlying social matrix that fashions human culture, practically leaving no stone unturned in its effects upon our world.
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Navi Radjou, The Genius of Frugal Innovation

Unfortunately, more-for-more business model is becoming obsolete for three reasons. First, a big portion of customers can no longer afford expensive products, due to diminishing purchasing power. Second, we are running out of natural resources, namely water and oil. And third and most important, the growing income disparity between the wealthy and everyone else has led to a big disconnect between existing products and services and customers’ essential needs.
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Jolanta Talaikiene, Red Shores Illusion
Articles and Interviews

Gloria Excelsias, The Power of New Beginnings

Life is a succession of beginnings. Every day, every hour, every moment in life, every one of us is confronted with new beginnings. Most beginnings appear small and insignificant, but if we think about it, nothing could be further from the truth, because everything that is starts with a beginning. The oak tree begins as an acorn, the flooding begins with a few drops of rain, the life-changing invention begins with an idea, the body begins as a cell, mastership begins with the decision to grow into a master, a book begins with a first sentence, the words „I have a dream …“
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Dr.Peter Russell, Letting Go of Doing

Letting Go of Doing is not about not doing things. It is about letting go of the doing mode of consciousness - the attitude we bring to our doing. The "doing mode" tells us we have to make a phone call, run an errand, respond to an email, do the laundry, complete the budget, prepare for the meeting. These may well be things that we have to do. But when we are stuck in the "doing mode" our attention is caught in the "having to do them, drive to get them done.
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Today in the spotlight

Paul Levy, It’s No Time to Be Normal

In the challenging times that we are living through, it is crucially important for us to not “fit in,” but rather, express our unique creative spirit that more than anything wants to come through us and find its place in the world. Instead of blindly and passively subscribing to the new normal, let us create “the new abnormal,” in which we step into the radical act of being our naturally creative selves.
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